January 3, 2012

Good Things in 2012

Well hello!  I realize 5 months have passed.  Eh.

I was so unmotivated and uninspired to do anything.  I was essentially broken, defeated, and in a constant state of blah.  M had been searching for a job for well over a year, I was feeling unsatisfied in my work, and it seemed that everyone around me was moving in amazing directions and mine just stayed static.  To be honest, I was just having a straight up hard time with where my life was at the moment.  I tried to focus on all the good but there comes a point where you just don't have the energy for that anymore.  I was desperate.  Desperate for life changes.  Desperate for my biggest dream to come true. 

And wouldn't you know it, it's true what they say - good things come to those who wait and come around when you least expect it.

I had been waiting for a long time but finally, it's here!

Drum roll..........

I'm going to have a baby!!!  Look at this little love.

I can't believe I am finally saying (or writing) those words.  I am ecstatic, thrilled, overjoyed!  Oh yeah, M is too.  My biggest dream is coming true.  In 6 and a half more months, I will be holding my baby in my arms.  And I couldn't ask for more right now.  Maddux is excited he's going to be a big brother too!  Doesn't he look thrilled? 

I am also scared.  This is huge.  Big change.  Not only with my life but with my body too.  It's a little freaky to know that a person is growing inside of you.  But when you see that little baby on the ultrasound screen and hear that strong heartbeat, all your concerns and worries fade away.  That little nose and those little shadowy hands on the screen turn you to mush.  It's all I've ever wanted - to find a wonderful man to marry and to be a Mom.  The first part came true 8 and a half years ago.  The second is now.

So, good things will be coming in 2012.  And now that I'm finally feeling better, more cooking has been happening in our house because for about 3 months, there was no cooking.  Right, didn't even mention the food stuff and here we are in A Homemade Kitchen.  The thought of food made me recoil so I couldn't be smelling it either.   Poor, M.  There will be food posts but for certain, there will be baby posts too.  I wrote in my initial welcome page that a kitchen is about family and my family is growing so this little blog may morph into other topics but there will be food.  Oh, and perhaps baby food.  Homemade baby food anyone?  My sweet little niece certainly loves it.

The sun is rising onto a new year.  Here's to dreams coming true in 2012!


  1. SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending much love and wishes of good health and happiness to you all for this great new year! xo

  2. Oh, Noelle!! I have the box of tissues out! You have certainly waited patiently! I am so happy for you and Mike!

  3. Grammie and Papa are so excited for you and Mike. This will be one lucky little child to have such wonderful parents. Looking forward to this little bundle of joy added to our family in early July! XOXOX
