May 18, 2012

33 Weeks

Being sick and 8 months pregnant is no fun at all.  I have been so miserable.  I just wish I could take something!  The doctor said if I had a fever, I may be able to get antibiotics but I didn't have a fever.  They also said I could take Robitussin throat lozenges so I went to CVS, they didn't have them.  I went to Walgreen's, they didn't have them.  I asked the Pharmacist at Walgreen's if I just missed them and he said Robitussin doesn't make lozenges.  Um, ok.  Except that they do.  Whatever.

So something I've been thinking about lately.  Birthing classes.  Are they really necessary?  I actually took an online one that my doctor's office puts on and it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.  And I figure, when in labor, the nurses are going to be telling me what I need to do and what's going on so what difference does it make?  I don't think I care at this point.

And I don't have a definite birth plan.  I will do whatever is necessary.  And I already said I want the drugs.  I am not going to fight the doctor on anything.  I am really just going to leave it up to them.  They really know best.

I also don't know if I should take a Caring for a Newborn class.  I know how to change a diaper.  I am a little nervous about bathing.  They are slippery little suckers.  And when do I need to feed him?  How often do I need to feed?  What if I feed him too much?  What if he's not getting enough?  I still haven't decided whether I'll breastfeed, pump, or go with formula.  Breastfeeding gives me the heebs and skeeves me out like you wouldn't believe.  I don't care how natural it is; to me, it's gross.  I may give it a go in the hospital and meet with the lactation consultant but I'm leaning towards pumping and supplementing with formula if necessary.  If breast milk is best, does it matter if the kid is latched onto me or if it comes out of a bottle?  I will bond with him just enough, thank you.  I don't need him sucking on my boob.  Nor am I down with the public displays of breastfeeding.  I get your kid needs to be fed but the rest of the world doesn't need to see your feeding bags.  Cover up or go into a more private place that's all I'm saying.  Don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just telling ya how it is for me.  Oh, we also don't need to hear about the joys when the kid gets teeth.  Major over share, peeps.

End of the day, the kid needs to be fed, doesn't matter where it's coming from.  And if I used formula, what is the best kind?  M and I were in the store the other day and I was going to pick some up to have on hand and I had no idea what brand to get.  I should probably do some research.

33 weeks down!  He is now 17 inches and just over 4 pounds.  This is about the weight of a pineapple!  Yikes.

His skin is losing the wrinkles and the skeleton is hardening.  Which I can confirm.  That's about it this week.

There was also an article this week about perineal massage.  I threw up in my mouth a little.  Seriously?  That was disgusting and horrifying.  I can never unsee this article now.

How I'm feeling: Sicky.

The skin between my boobs and belly hurts.  I think it's from the bra sitting between the two.

Pregnancy Notes: It's ridiculous how slowly I walk now.

It's getting near impossible to get in and out of the car.

Newborn sized diapers are just about the cutest things ever.  I took apart one diaper cake and lined up the newborn diapers in a drawer and organized the changing table area.  I am ready to go for Mission: Diaper Change!  Except for baby powder.  I don't have any of that yet.

Food cravings and notes:   I was sick and couldn't taste anything anyway so it didn't matter.

Doctor's Visit:  Regular check up.  It seems since the BH contractions are happening, I will now be violated at each visit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. lets see:

    1. powder: you don't need it, word is that it can lead to yeast infections. stick with diaper cream (desitin or similar for most, triple paste if things get really ugly)

    2. pumping/nursing = equally weird (and you know I'm a nurser). For a lot of women, nursing can HURT at first until baby and mom get the latch right. not so with pumping, but its very difficult (but not impossible) to keep your supply up if you are pumping exclusively. the hormones respond to baby. But let me show you the nursing mom's room at work and give you a quick intro to the machine if you do stick to the pumping route.

    3. formula: no one, NO ONE, will judge you if you stick to formula - all the kids of the 70s came out ok on it and they fortify it with vitamins (that if you're exclusively breastfeeding, you'll have to buy as supplements, so what does that tell you?). nutritrionally speaking, the babiesrus brand = enfamil. in the hospital, they'll probably hook you up with tons of similac (enough to take home to get you through a few days). very little difference between similac and enfamil, but some babies have a preference. if baby isn't responding well to one kind, then move on to another. i wouldn't stock up on a particular kind until after he's born.

    4. what else, what else, what else? Oh birthing classes: having never done it the natural way, can't help you much here. Infant CPR is important. Bathing is far different on a real baby than a doll so you can get the same info from a book (ie. don't wash the belly button until the cord falls off).
